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Visit Rosemont College

Young woman of South Asian descent with long black hair wears a black jacket outside during Fall.


School of Graduate and Professional Studies

As a prospective student in one of Rosemont’s Graduate or Accelerated Adult Professional Studies programs, we welcome you to join us on a tour of campus, attend an Open House event, or simply reach out and get more information.


Visit Options

Undergraduate College (including transfers)

Choose from 27 majors and 27 minors. Enjoy a robust and inclusive college community. Our curriculum combines in-depth study in one or more areas with a breadth of general education in the liberal arts. This prepares you for incredible things beyond campus life.

Visit Options

Virtual Tour

On your screen, wander around Rosemont's 58 idyllic acres in suburban Philadelphia, 11 miles west of Center City. 




Cabrini Students

Rosemont College extends a warm welcome to Cabrini University Students!

  • All your Cabrini transfer credits will be accepted. 
  • We will match your Cabrini financial aid package. 
  • You will receive an additional $2,000 Transfer Scholarship. 
  • The admissions application essay requirement will be waived. 

Learn more