Rosemont College Campus Ministry
fall 2022 events calendar
Prayer for the End of the Coronavirus
God of healing and strength, you have healed your people over the ages and down through the generations of many illnesses and epidemics.
Come now to heal our world in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus.
Heal those who are ill; find medical care for those in need; protect the force of medical workers across the world.
Comfort those who have lost family and friends to the disease. Be with them; may they know your peace.
Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors from helping one another.
Deliver us from our pride, causing us to claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders.
Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with true concern for the well-being of those they are meant to serve.
Wherever we are, stay with us as we endure and pray, persist and prepare for what the future holds.
Enable us to reach out to support one another, where feasible. Replace our anxiety with peace and trust in you.
We make this prayer in the name of our loving, healing God. Amen.
* Adapted from the prayer from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. March 2020
Combatting Racism
Resources from the United States Conference of Cathlic Bishops on Combatting Racism.
Prayer to Overcome Racism
Mary, friend and mother to all, through your Son, God has found a way to unite himself to every human being, called to be one people, sisters and brothers to each other.
We ask for your help in calling on your Son, seeking forgiveness for the times when we have failed to love and respect one another.
We ask for your help in obtaining ffrom your Son the grace we need to overcome the evil of racism and to build a just society.
We ask for your help in following your Son, so that prejudice and anomosity will no longer infect our minds or hearts but will be replaced with a love that respects the dignity of each person.
Mother of the Church, the Spirit of your Son Jesus warms our hearts: pray for us. Amen.
As a Catholic institution guided by the principles of Cornelia Connelly and the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Rosemont College is dedicated to developing the faith and spiritual lives of all students during their transformative college years. All programs concentrate specifically on members of the community and their particular needs.
Programming stems from the belief that faith and spirituality should be an integral part of daily living. This includes opportunities to gather in small group settings, individual mentoring and larger group meetings. These opportunities allow students to explore their own faith, ask meaningful questions and nurture their relationships (especially with God).
For more information, read about rosemont's Mission. In addition, a core element of the the Rosemont experience is service. As participants in the legacy of Cornelia Connelly and the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, Rosemont emphasizes social justice.
Personal Growth
Cultivating a healthy spirituality requires that we set aside sacred time to listen to God's Holy Spirit and encounter the living Lord in prayer. The religious and spiritual growth of all members of the Rosemont College Community is supported and nurtured by the Campus Ministry staff. We offer a wide variety of opportunities for members of the College to expand on their own personal religious, spiritual and prayer lives.