Cornelian Service Corps
Mission Statement
The Cornelian Service Corps is our center for service and social justice here at Rosemont.
As participants in the legacy of Cornelia Connelly and the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, the CSC challenges the college community to a “love full of action,” inclusive of all and courageous in promoting social justice.
The CSC coordiantes service opportunities, educates the community on issues of social justice, and seeks to provide a space for all members of the Rosemont community to consider their role in promoting justice in our world.
Immersive Service Trips
The CSC offers Service Immersion experiences to students. Groups spend a week or longer living in the places where they are serving while learning about the local culture, history, and traditions.
The Cornelian Service Corps strives to offer service opportunities open to all members of the Rosemont community and accommodating of different schedules, interests, and abilities. We are dedicated to offer at least one service event a month for those interested in taking an afternoon or evening giving of themselves for others and living out the Rosemont mission.