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Philosophy Degree Requirements

Major Requirements for a BA in Philosophy

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy requires 120 credits.

General Education Requirements (57-58 credits)

In addition to meeting the course requirements for each respective major, all students must also fulfill the General Education requirements for the Undergraduate College. Students may apply 9 credits in their major toward these requirements.

Required Courses (33 credits)

An introduction to the methods and problems of philosophy and to important figures in the history of philosophy. Topics include the nature of knowledge and reality, free will and determinism, the mind/body problem, the existence of God, and the meaning of life. Readings from classical and contemporary sources. Offered every year. (3 credits)

A survey course in the history of western philosophy intended to introduce students to the theories of prominent ancient and medieval philosophers. Concentration on works by the Pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, St. Augustine, St. Thomas 269 Aquinas, and others. Offered fall semester in alternate years. (3 credits)

Examines the development of modern western philosophy with special emphasis on Continental Rationalism and British Empiricism. Concentration on works by Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and their influence on Kant. Offered spring semester in alternate years. (3 credits)

An introduction to the basic concepts, principles, and methods of argument analysis and evaluation, including deductive vs. inductive reasoning, validity, soundness, truth tables, deductive proof, and probability and statistical reasoning. May also include Aristotelian logic, informal fallacies, and causal reasoning and scientific method. Helpful for students preparing for GREs or LSATs. Offered every year. (3 credits)

An evaluation and analysis of major ethical theories in the western tradition including virtue-oriented ethics, natural law, deontology, utilitarianism, and theories of justice and rights. Concentrated study of works of major historical and contemporary thinkers. Offered in alternate years. (3 credits)

A seminar in special areas, designed according to the needs of majors. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (3 credits)

Recommended Supporting Courses (6 credits)

  • HIS 02500: Emergence of Modern Europe
  • RST 0124: World Religions

Elective Credits

The remaining credit hours are electives and can consist of Philosophy courses, but should not be limited to this particular discipline. Electives credits make up the remaining hours such that students graduate with 120 credits. Philosophy electives include:

Requirements for a Minor in Philosophy (18 credits)

  • PHI 0100: Questions That Matter: An Introduction to Philosophy (3 credits)
  • PHI 0200: History of Western Philosophy: Ancient and Medieval (3 credits)
  • PHI 0201: History of Philosophy: Early Modern Thought (3 credits)
  • PHI 0230: Logic: The Art of Reasoning (3 credits)
  • Two electives at the 200 or 300-level (6 credits)