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Reflection: June 5, 2022

Jeanne Marie Hatch, SHCJ - June 3, 2022

“Send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth!”  Our Church cries out today for the Spirit of God to come and renew our earth. On this 50th day after Easter we celebrate Jesus’ promise to send the Spirit on the Apostles and on us. Wind and fire images abound in today’s readings. The power and the wisdom of the Spirit break through our barriers and enflame us anew with strength and strong love to go forth to make a difference over our earth. A daunting task, in today’s world of overwhelming need, but God’s Spirit and Power knows no bounds.

 John’s Gospel repeats Jesus’ message to the disciples that He will ask the Father to give them an Advocate to be with them always. Jesus says that whoever loves Him, both He and His Father will love them, come to them and make their home with them. Then this Advocate whom the Father sends will teach us everything and remind us of all that Jesus told us. Armed with the Spirit’s truth and wisdom no task is beyond us.

This feast is one of three solemnities that includes a special litany of prayer called the Sequence. We plead with God’s Spirit to shed divine light on us, to shine within us and comfort us, to refresh us, give us coolness in the heat, be solace in our woe, a blessed light to shine in hearts that are His, to heal our wounds, renew our strength, on our dryness pour dew, wash away our guilt, bend the stubborn heart, melt the frozen, warm the chill, guide our steps, give us your many gifts and joys that never end. Nothing is missing from that prayer so let us say it often during this season when so many are grieving and suffering.

It is so fitting that Rosemont College celebrates its 100th Year on this feast of Pentecost. We welcome Archbishop Nelson Perez who will preside at this Centennial Liturgy in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception. The Rosemont College Community joins together in thanksgiving for 100 years of gifts and blessings on this College, founded by the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus in the spirit of their Foundress, Cornelia Connelly. With the energy and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, the current College Community takes up the task to continue “to meet the wants of the age” as we launch the next 100 years of education, based on the Mission of the College.  

Together we pray: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the   fire of your love.

(This will conclude the weekly reflections for the summer. Have a blessed and safe summer as we pray for a world closer to peace.) 

Jeanne Marie Hatch, SHCJ